Friday, April 24, 2015

Remember New

i remember...

My excuses:
The cost,
The timing,
Leaving my normal,
My fear:
The unknown,
The language barrier,
Lack of clear purpose, 
My struggle:
The flights,
The move,
Life's upheaval...
Spiritual Battle:
The changing group,
The uncertainty,
Limited faith in my ability to impact...

The prayer,
The specific answers,
The leading of His faithful voice,
His provision
To GO...

Now i remember new...

The boys:
Who they are,
Where they've come from,
What they dream...
The team:
The laughter,
The tears,
Family serving family...
The beauty,
The Buddhas,
An amazing culture seeking assurance...

We played together,
We sang together,
We ate together,
We hugged and we laughed,
We were together...

i learned:
To serve more passionately from their example,
A new definition of family that is not so puny,
That the daily grind of family life can change the world...

We built relationships instead of buildings,
We were served far more than we were allowed to serve,
We marveled at how the magnificence of elephants and butterflies pales in comparison of the smiles of the boys experiencing them,
We experienced the inexplicable realization that just being is incredibly powerful...

And i will forever remember new because of my travels with Remember Nhu...

... Now it is your turn...