Our hope is that you fall as hard for this castle as we did.
May your dinners be interrupted by "sunset breaks" no matter the season.
May your ears hear the giggles from the swing set.
May your imagination run wild with little ones in the blue house.
May your bladder hold strong in the middle of the night when the deck shifts loudly due the cold weather (especially when you're home alone).
May your heart be refreshed in quiet times with the Lord on the front porch from Spring through Fall.
May your driveway continuously be full of vehicles bringing friends and family to share life with... And may those friends not turf your yard too badly.
May your toes dip into the brisk creek as you collect stones or catch crawfish.
May your directions include the color of your mailbox for ease of location.
May the lightening bugs take your breath away as they illuminate the trees like millions of twinkling Christmas lights in the summer.
May your stress melt away in the spa tub.
May you get to know the neighbors who will treat you like family... They all seem to enjoy pumpkin muffins, don't be shy.
May your marriage grow through evening talks on the deck.
May the mowing of the lawn help improve your fitness level.
May the full moon always light your treks up the driveway to put the trash out.
May the pear trees produce fruit, even the one on the left, which never gave us a single pear.
Make it your own. Use it to serve others. Decorate even cooler than ever happened with us. Replace the old, build the new...
May it be your home... On this temporary journey of life.
Enjoy it well.
The Youth Group...
You have the privilege of serving those who are hungry to serve.
May your games of "Scramble" be injury free... Even if certain sponsor's bladders may feel the pain.
May your teaching be anointed with power and effectiveness.
May the note-takers encourage your heart.
May their questions keep you humble and aware of your constant need to continue to learn.
May your adventures take this group to places they've yet to see.
May bonds form thick through laughter, tears, late nights, sweat and heart to hearts.
May your frisbee games be enjoyable and your volleyball games be kind.
May you be filled to overflowing both by this body of Christ and to spill into this body of Christ.
May the Lord's boldness lead your group out into the community.
May the liability forms and payments for trips be returned in a timely manner.
May you find deep friendship inside and outside of this church.
May you walk in the freedom you have to be who you are, how you are, all the while allowing the Holy Spirit to shine through it all.
May you continue in your calling of caring for the people of God together with all the Church. Seeing Jesus Himself build His church, raise up His leaders, bring His healing and growth. May our ministries be partnerships of family to the glory of God.
May you be blessed by the love of the people of God in The Alliance Church of Elkins, WV.
Enjoy it well, faithful servants.
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