I love how you smile... I love how perfect your lips have always been... How they pucker so sweetly when your face is relaxed... It's so fun that you're missing your two front teeth... And that one of those tooth-loss events has something to do with you biting a pillow & your brother tugging on it...
I love your laugh... How currently you find anything having to do with hind ends, nostrils, or farting hilarious... You are a natural at movie quotes... You are improving on your joke telling skills... Which we are very grateful for... You are silly & free & contagious in your joy... I often pause to let my heart grow warm when I hear you giggling in another room...
I love your dreams... How you want to be a farmer, a doctor, a zoo dentist, a flavor-maker (our personal favorite), a teacher, an artist, a karate girl... And so many others that you labeled your bedroom door "job women" to simplify the sign-making process... I love that you dreamed of a boy named Luke... Who you have never met yet... I love that you are not limited nor driven by money... And you are right... We will miss you when you're grown up & live in China... Because China is very far away...
I love your heart... That you are aware and care that there are people who really are starving... I am in awe of the generosity the Holy Spirit has filled you with... It's so natural for you when it's been a struggle for me... It's awesome how you're constantly making surprise books for people... We enjoy the envelopes you deliver with hand written cards and candy from the drawer filling them... You always want to share about God... And I hope that doesn't change even as the microphone becomes less magical to speak into... I love watching your patience & acceptance of people who are different from you... You shine like a star in a dark world...
I love your heart for Jesus... Praying with you each day is a blessing... I'm inspired by your faith... You know Jesus heals... You are rightly convinced how much God cares about every thing we care about... Communion is something you regularly do with somber joy... I love how you want everyone to come to church with you... I love hearing you sing praise... I cherish your excitement at seeing God answer your prayers... It is awesome how you hide God's Word in your heart... Keep loving Him...
I love your skills... Your hoola-hooping skills... Your singing skills... Your drawing skills... Your bow staff skills... Your dancing skills... Your ability to teach others... Your imagination skills... Your monkey bar skills... Your knack for foreign languages... The scripts you're writing for your play are very good... You are given many talents... Much will be expected of you...
I love how you tell me your secrets... I love how you hug me... I love how you smell... I love how compassionate & passionate you are... I love how you figure things out... I love that you make-believe... I love how gorgeous you are... I love how determined you are... I love that you make a slurping noise & lick your chops to show that something is yummy... I love that you finish what you start... I love how you nudge me with your elbow when I tease you... I love that you love going in alphabetical order... I love that you tell me "I didn't like dinner, but I ate it anyways" just so I'm aware... I love that you know that I know how you like things... I love your servant heart... I love your encouraging words...
I could go on...
I love you forever
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