Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Good News Graduate!!!

You know that diploma you were just handed? The one you showed up, and studied, and concentrated, and created, and worked really hard for?!? It comes with benefits!!! In case you're uawares, let me enlighten you...

That little paper can:

Enable you to tell me how you're really feeling...

Open your eyes to see how gorgeous you are...

Give you the superpower to freeze time & adjust one physical object... (you should mostly use that superpower to mess with people)...

Make you understand it isn't your ability to sing, or draw, or run, or learn, or write, or paint, or create, or debate, or behave that makes you worthwhile...

Allow pink or blue to show up a little better in your hair...

Erase the sting of rejection... And more so, never allow you to mistake it for something wrong with you...

Free you from the secrets you keep...

Create a ferocious hunger inside you for the Word of God...

Transport you to Canada with me so we can watch the sunset from the fire tower...

Squelch your attraction to the bad boys...

Bestow on you the courage to deal with the feelings you're afraid to admit you have...

Set up many college nights of braiding hair & watching Dr. Who & eating too many Doritos with really good girl friends...

Clarify in your mind that flirting isn't necessary when you have the real thing... And give you the confidence to recognize that you do in fact have it...

Instill a passion for cautious driving...

Squash your fears of failing... Even when it's very, very important...

Inspire you to make another "Good News" tract...

Allow you to grasp the truth that you have so much more ahead than lies behind...

Grant you the ability to see the lie in the airbrushed magazine covers (& music videos & advertisements & all media...)

Show you sunsets that Instagram can't do justice...

Help you avoid jobs that only play "top 40 radio" on your shifts...

Give you the confidence to say "no"...

Put you on the adventure of daily saying "yes" to God...

Give you runs that last longer than you thought you could go... Not the diarrhea kind of runs, though... That world just be gross...

Bestow "world traveler" status upon you...

Bring you many more volcano climbing experiences...

Cease your striving to protect yourself from breaking... For it's when you break that you can be healed...

Instill in your character the truth that being exceptional means often times standing alone...

Grant you summer evenings with the windows open & music blaring & open road...

Enable you to sleep regardless of how loud your roommate may snore...

Help you find the strength to realize there is joy in doing what's hard...

Just kidding. It doesn't do any of that. 

The choice is yours. The Spirit will romance, and lead, and empower you... But the steps are yours to take. The road is hard. Laugh when it's funny, praise when it's good, cry when it hurts. Don't waste time and energy on lies. Do what's hard. Press on in hope that never ceases... Especially when you can't see the "why". Listen to your mom. Keep a journal. Pray while you run. And always, everyday, forever hear from Jesus... Because your journey gets much more wide open now, and knowing that you don't possess all the answers yourself is of utmost importance. 

My prayers are as constant as my pride in who you have been created to be. 

"I always thank my God for you because of God’s grace given to you in Christ Jesus, that by Him you were enriched in everything — in all speech and all knowledge. In this way, the testimony about Christ was confirmed among you, so that you do not lack any spiritual gift as you eagerly wait for the revelation of our Lord Jesus Christ. He will also strengthen you to the end, so that you will be blameless in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ. God is faithful; you were called by Him into fellowship with His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord." (1 Corinthians 1:4-9)

Friday, April 11, 2014


Sometimes I feel so... Me. 

Like there are times when I can't just sail by on who my husband is in love with... Or who my friends make me into... Or the mother of my four wonderful minions... Or the prayer warrior... Or the concerned sister... Or the beloved daughter...

Sometimes I'm just me. 

And sometimes I stink. 

And I feel like singing at the top of my lungs... But I just can't seem to find the right song. It's like being stuck inside a classroom wasting time watching a beautiful day slip by... I can't determine if I'm overly lonely or building up a wall of defenses as quickly as possible...

The Word is alive, and sweet, and inspiring... The sun is shining... Friends are available... Prayers are being answered... Yet I feel like we broke up and are trying to figure out if we can still be friends or if you just know too much about me. 

There are sometimes just too many layers of this ugly pride... And having them stripped away stinks. Literally. Another reason to not let anyone close... Another childhood mocking coming true... Another screaming voice challenging the Truth I committed to sow deep in these recesses...

But You always show up. 

Even when it's incredibly vital that You do. Even though it wasn't when I thought I needed it the very most. Even though You were always present. You show up. 

You speak when my prayers cease being lists I say with my eyes closed. You answer when I actually ask You the questions. Your Word is alive, active, sharp, useful... True. And you speak through it and to my heart. 

You give me dreams. You bring me healing... Even when I don't realize how sick I am. You never stop calling me "precious", "loved", "desired", "Yours"... Regardless of how often I doubt it... How incredible your Faithfulness which does not waiver at my faithlessness. 

It's in the wake of feeling so "me" that I grow in amazement of how impactfully "You" You always are...

"But now, this is what the Lord says— he who created you, Jacob, he who formed you, Israel: “Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze. For I am the Lord your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior; I give Egypt for your ransom, Cush and Seba in your stead. Since you are precious and honored in my sight, and because I love you, I will give people in exchange for you, nations in exchange for your life. Do not be afraid, for I am with you..." (Isaiah 43:1-5)